Wissenschaftliche Studie weist die Wirksamkeit von NLP nach
Immer wieder wurde an NLP kritisiert, es gäbe keinen wissenschaftlichen Wirksamkeitsnachweis dazu. Umso mehr freut es mich, als ich heute von dem holländischen NLP Kollegen und klinischen Psychologen Jaap Hollander die Nachricht erhielt, er habe zusammen mit dem Kollegen Oliver Malinowski in einer Studie den Nachweis erbracht hat, dass NLP – zumindest im Coaching-Setting – wirkt.
Da die Studie selbst momentan noch in der Prüfung ist, kann ich momentan nur das Abstract davon hier veröffentlichen, das ich von Jaap Hollander bekommen habe. Mehr darüber, sobald die Studie veröffentlicht ist.
Hier das Original-Abstract (Hervorhebungen durch mich):
The effectiveness of NLP:
Interrupted time series analysis of single subject
data for one session of NLP coaching.The main goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in the treatment of individuals with mild psychological and/or social problems. Multiple N=1 studies were used to examine behaviour changes in individuals receiving NLP-coaching. In this design, NLP treatment consisted of only a single NLP coaching session given by an NLP trainee*. 25 participants were asked to score their chosen problem behaviour on a 10 point rating scale at least 20 days prior and 20 days after the intervention. In addition, changes in perceived well-being were observed using the Outcome rating scale (ORS). Through visual inspection and statistical analysis of the interrupted time series using SPSS ARIMA, the effectiveness of the intervention was examined. Results show that 16 individuals (64%) improved concerning their mild psychological and/or social problems through the NLP treatment. Repeated measures ANOVA show that on average overall well being of the participants increased after treatment. We conclude that NLP-coaching can be effective in treating mild psychological and/or social problems and is able to increase perceived overall well being after one coaching session. Based on our findings and the limitations of this design, further scientific investigation of NLP is recommended.
Jaap Hollander
Oliver MalinowskiInstitute for Eclectic Psychology
Nijmegen, The Netherlands